I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a bore... If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before... But I have a talent, a wonderful thing...'Cause everyone listens when I start to sing... I'm so grateful and proud... All I want is to sing it out loud...So I say: Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing, Thanks for all the joy they're bringing, Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty? What would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank you for the music... For giving it to me. Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk; She says I began to sing long before I could talk. And I've often wondered, how did it all start? Who found out that nothing can capture a heart, like a melody can? Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan! (Abba: Thank you for the music)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Bella Linda
I love music, musical theatre and above all I love singing. I've featured in 5 musical productions since 2008 and I know that nothing will ever satisfy me as much as singing. Baby, I was born this way!

Youtube inserts (A New Day has Come, a Passion Play, featuring Belinda Walker):

Op Hartbeespoort teen die Magaliesberge waar daar heelparty kunssige mense woon, bring The Christian Musical Production Company gereeld musiekblyspele op die planke. Ek het in elkeen tot op hede opgetree. Ek was al 'n koerantverkoper in Betlehem, Josef se vrou in Egipte, Jesus se ma, Maria in 'n Passiespel en Simson se verwerpte geliefde. Ek het heelwat teater-ervaring oor die jare opgetel. Om voor 'n gehoor op te tree is vir my kos vir my siel. My liefde vir sing en teater ken geen perke nie. My droom is om 'n suksesvolle sangeres te word. Ek het reeds genoeg liedjies bymekaar gemaak om my eie cd uit te bring en hierdie blog sal die eerste wees om hiervan te hoor as dit gebeur!

The well-known singer and song writer, Blacky Swart, recently helped me to record my songs in his home studio and I am ever so grateful to him. I have added some of my photo's for you to see. I wish I could fly from stage to stage and entertain the world with my musical talents. There is nothing I would love more...

Here I am in the musical, Mamma Mia, a Child is born. It is the love story of Joseph and Mary featuring the music of Abba. It was so cool and one of my favorites. A year later we did: Mamma Mia, Here we go again! and added some songs to the storyline.

Here I am in the musical: Samson, the Lion of God. I played the Jewish girl who loved Samson dearly, but he only had eyes for the Philistine girls! Among others I had to sing: When you believe (Whitney Housten/Mariah Carey); You'lle see and Amazing Grace (Susan Boyle), Stille Waters & Jy is te dierbaar (Laurika Rauch). 

Here I am in the musical, Joseph and His Amazing Blue Suede Shoes, featuring the music of the great legend, Elvis. I was Joseph's wife in Egypt. I had the time of my life! I had to take belly dancing classes which I enjoyed thoroughly! It is the great land of Egypt after all and what do they do best? Belly dancing! Non-stop!  

Hier is ek tydens ons 2010 Passiespele: A New Day has Come, a Passion Play. Ek het een van die hoofrolle gespeel (Maria, die een in die pers rokkie!). Die ervaring het my lewe verander. Om die besielende musiek van Celine Dion te sing saam met die Kruisigingsverhaal, het my opnuut laat dink aan Jesus se groot daad vir ons. Celine se beelde van vryheid, engele, vlerke, nuwe lewe, vergifnis en die liefde, het my hart aangeraak. Ek sal nooit weer anders na haar kan luister as op 'n geestelike manier nie.  Hierdie verhaal van Jesus se suster wat tydens die Kruisigingsweek op 'n Romeinse soldaat verlief raak, dieselfde soldaat wat Hom later kruisig, het my die ware betekenis van vergifnis laat besef. Jesus se daad vloei regdeur ons na die mensdom. 

Ek is beskikbaar vir optredes. Kontak my gerus by:
Of gaan kyk gerus na my facebook profiel.

René van Zyl (Writer/co-director: Christian Musical Production Company) 082 396 4100
Marlene McKay (Director: Christian Musical Production Company) 083 367 4437

Belinda Walker